Playful Movement

Contemporary Dance Workhosp with Maria Pisiou

Playful movement workshop || Contemporary dance technique and improvisation


In what ways does speed, movement quality and transfer to different spatial levels change? What kind of changes are observed in relation to the feeling of the body and its dynamic when the coordination and dismantling of the body are differentiated? How can all these be accomplished through a playful quality where space is created for experimentation, spontaneity and imagination?

The workshop begins with exercises that sharpen our awareness, activate, and strengthen our bodies. It continues with a series of exercises which enables us to feel comfortable to play, roll, jump, fall, get out of axis and experiment with forms and positions that we are less familiar with.

We will explore different qualities from release technique and, delve deeper into the musicality and rhythmicity of the dancing body while using our imagination as the generator of our movement.

Some thoughts

Playful Movement workshop is based on my ongoing research, training, and experience of the process of becoming a dancer and dance maker during the last ten years. The focus of the workshop is the quality of playfulness; a quality which helped me to continue dancing, experimenting, failing and keep on going. By engaging with the state of playfulness, the space is created for experimentation and for wandering into unknown territories. Based on my experience, this is the main method to obtain new knowledge and enrich or re-define what we already know. Things that usuallyprevent us from trying new things such as self judgment, fear, and not succeeding can fade away or become less dominant through this processy.


Studio 29A, Theatre Φ, Corporal studio, National Theatre of Northern Greece(GR)||

Tanzfabrik(DE)|| MUDA Kunstsecundair (BE)




with your play