Week 17/02-23/02

This week I worked mainly on the technical aspect of the dancing body. As I hadn’t entered the studio for a few days, my concentration and mental state could be improved only if I awaken, warm my body and focus on its desires.

A trust to the desires of the body.

This is another ethic and value of the dancing body of instant composition.

Working on the technical aspect of the dancing body, I could warm my connection with it, listen to her desires and intuitions and continue working with/through/for that.

This week I worked on the following elements:

·       While dancing, be conscious of the direction/position/relation of one limb to the other.

·       Explore the different potential coordination of the limbs

·       Find one specific movement and delve into that. Project it to different directions in the space and play with the different qualities/ dynamics of it.

·       While you’re moving, observe if any part of your body feels sore, disconnected, not functional, sleepy, bored, dreamy, not really being here. Take some time to focus on it. Imagine that this part gradually is filled by water and you move the water through your movement to different directions. If it doesn’t work maybe think about clouds covering this part. If it doesn’t work, betray it. Create a connection of it with another part of your body which feels comfortable. Your hand? Your head? Build up a relation of it and travel it in the space.

Warming the qualities of the body:

·       Create rhythmically in the body while you play with different tensions in the movement/body

Awaking the senses:

·       Make your best dance, or just a conscious dance. Let your senses distract you

This week I started working on the section of Movement Poetics.

Movement poetics are words, phrases, exclamations, notmakingsensesounds which are composed during the studio practices. It is a form through which instant thoughts, physical realisations can find a place to exist without the demand of making sense.

Intuition_ Scattered Words_ Touch the sound of an xxxxx_ Word the SenSe_ Choreography of the Sound_ Choreography of the noise of the thought_ everything is here_ Everything can be Here_ What is here is Enough_ Nothing Less_ Nothing More_

Link to Movement Poetics section:



Week 23/02-01/03