The technology of the onion. The body as an onion
In the context of my research in MA in Theatre Practices, I search for different ways to train the dancing body in the ethics and values which penetrate the practices of instant composition so that the dancer can execute instant composition performances. Perceiving the trained dancing body as an onion which consists of different layers that prevent it to be in readiness and with sharp reflections, I compose scores which aim to peel these layers and familiarize the dancer with these values. Below is an example of the train of the dancer in the ontological VS represnative perception of oneself and the movement. The onion consists of different layers. Accordingly, I use this technology through the method of adaptation and metaphor in order to apply it in the way that I organise the training of the dancing body.
Obtaining one of the cores of the Onion_ Trust the dance_ An ontological existence of the Movement
Body as an Onion_ First Layer
‘A score for 6 days’
Every day repeat one movement in the studio for some time.
Delve into the movement.
Write down the reason you stop the movement for each day.
Body as an Onion_ Second Layer
The second step:
Try it with words.
Claim the absurdity
And don’t stop
Quick body
Quick mind
Or not
‘Name the Movement’
The first step:
Make moves
Give to each move a nonverbal name.
Let it exist in the space
Let it obtain its own score
Don’t think.
Do it.
Spread movements,
Create autonomous cores of movements
Everything which is generated,
Trust it
Quality of Movement: the sharpness that the trust embodies.
Third Layer_ Body as an Onion
‘A score for an imaginary dance’
It starts.
You can delineate a part of the movement through your body
But still
There is a part of it
Which remains invisible
You can observe it, catch it, grab it,
Play with the different speed, quality, directions which are built up though your discussion with the movement and space.
Who knows?
In the end, it is just an imaginary dance.
What happens if we imagine that our bodies are generator of movement?
And that movement continues to move in the space and choose its direction, speed and its quality on its own?
An almost autonomous perception of the movement.
Having this perception of movement in your mind, read the below score.
Take time to understand and try to activate it through a sensorial way. Find a place and play.
Not-knowing and misunderstanding are also part of the process.