Awaken the Body
When you enter the studio
The rhythm and your breath
Delve into the rhythmicity of your body on that specific day.
Don’t put music.
Listen to the rhythmicity of your breath,
On the sounds that your body produces
Warm the body
While you’re moving, observe if any part of your body feels sore, disconnected, not functional, sleepy, bored, dreamy, not really being here. Take some time to focus on it. Imagine that this part gradually is filled by water.
Water flows through your movement to different directions. If it doesn’t work think about clouds covering this part. If still it doesn’t work, betray it. Create a connection of it with another part of your body which feels comfortable. Your hand? Your head? Build up a relation of it and travel it in the space.
Playful Movement Workshop, Photo Kostas Fourkiotis
Awaken the senses
Score for a space in which different senses can be awaken (forest, flower shop, terrace)
Make a dance through which each sense traces your movement in the space. Give yourself time to recognize, follow, interact with the surrounding environment while each specific sense becomes the compass of your route.
Play with the musicality of the body + Time
Search for the musicality of your body.
Simple as that.
Condition: Keep dancing for 7 minutes. Try to embody each situation that appears during your dance. Is it tiring? Is it distractive? Don’t give up. Keep going.
Time: Repeat it four times. In the end, observe the difference on your experience of the musicality of your body between the first and last dance.
A question for you
What are the conditions or parameters that make you trust your body while dancing? What are the things that make you follow the flow of the body without resisting on it? The elements that bring you closer to your body while dancing?
Think, make sound, discuss about them while you’re moving with somebody else.